Somali AID Organization (SOMAID) is a Somalia based Local Non-Governmental Organization (LNGO) established in 2000 with the aim of spearheading local development initiatives in Hiran region and other parts of South-Central Somalia. The organization was initially formed by a group of community members and well-wishers responding to their need.

The organization has undergone so many structural and name changes, first as CMC (Community management committee) organization to Somali Aid mission more recently until January 2024 after a board meeting to re-structure the set-up and to align with its long term plan and vision. After several months of proper planning and board meeting, it was unanimously agreed the name SOMALI AID MISSION to be replaced with Somali Aid organization. The organization has the current and previous recommendation and registration letters bearing its previous name and current name in all its logos and operation documents.

SOMAID organization is legally registered in Somalia under Somalia Federal Government and in Hirshabelle State of Somalia. With its headquarters in Beledweyne, Somalia, SOMAID organization has base stations in Jowhar, Beledweyne Jalalaqsi, Balcad, Mahaday and Bulaburte districts of Somalia. SOMAID is a firm believer in the fundamental moral principle of humanity; that all human begins are born free and equal in dignity and rights and therefore action should be taken to prevent or alleviate human suffering arising out of disaster or conflict, and that nothing should override this principle. Our activities are grounded on the rights-based approach on the belief that people are entitled to basic conditions of living with dignity and have access to equal opportunity as a basis of fulfilling their human potential.

SOMAID organization therefore seeks to stimulate sustainable developmental change amongst vulnerable communities living in the Horn of Africa region. SOMAID’s mandate and core business is facilitating community development. These ambitions are realized through knowledge transfer, influencing, brokering linkages and facilitating/ implementing integrated people centered humanitarian and development programs. The main developmental approach of SOMAID organization is enabling the communities to find local solutions to their socio-economic challenges.

SOMAID has an impressive track record and experience in implementing community-driven development (CDD) programs in Governance, Food Security and Nutrition, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE) Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CRWASH), Education, Health, Shelter and settlement. Additionally, human rights, gender and environment have over time been addressed by SOMAID organization as cross-cutting issues. The main target groups of SOMAID include vulnerable and marginalized pastoralists comprising of individuals, families, groups and communities.

SOMAID has a well-defined and functional internal organizational structure that seeks to deliver its strategic objectives. SOMAID works through a number of well-resourced human resources, infrastructure, and equipment spread across its field offices. Policy and strategic guidance, leadership and oversight are offered by a diverse and competent Board of Directors.


Our mission is to work with our partners in improving the quality of life of vulnerable communities in Somalia through facilitating humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs.

To improve the living standards of the served communities by delivering effective Emergency Response, Resilience interventions, promoting local capacities and resources, and sustainable development interventions in partnership with stakeholders


A horn of Africa in which vulnerable communities live in dignity and security, A prosperous, healthy, and a happy society where peace resides, and people live with dignity.”


SOMAID believes in, and is guided by the following ideals: respect, moral and ethical standards, making sound judgments in our programming and innovations.


Somali Aid Organization (SOMAID) is a non-partisan, non-Governmental, not-for-profit organization established in 2000. SOMAI’s mandate and core functions are facilitating Community-Driven Development (CDD), which are actualized through (knowledge transfer, influencing, brokering linkages, and facilitating/ implementing integrated people-centered humanitarian and development programs. The main target groups of SOMAID organization include vulnerable and marginalized pastoralists comprising of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

SOMAID organization aims to promote long-term community-drive development among Somalia’s most disadvantaged groups. The mandate and primary function of SOMAID are to assist in developing communities to realize their full potential. SOMAID’s primary developmental strategy is to help communities discover answers to their socio-economic problems.

SOMAID has fostered good working relationships and collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including the FGS, FMS, CSOs, peer NGOs, INGOs, and development partners. SOMAID organization has worked with the key development partners: UNESCO, UNFPA, FAO, WFP, Global good and Ministries of health and Agriculture In regional and national level in Somalia and a key partner in the UN  CFEI portal for 10 UN agencies who are organizations funding showing SOMAID organization strength and capacity.

The organization engages closely with these like-minded agencies/institutions to pursue a comprehensive and integrated approach to programming.


  1. To strengthen governance structures, partnerships and funding
  2. To ensure food security and income through integrated FSN and cash interventions for crisis-affected households while investing in resilience activities to support the protection and restoration of livelihoods
  3. To facilitate sustained access to reliable Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services for crisis-affected populations households through WASH infrastructure development and knowledge and skills transfer
  4. To increase access to quality education for school-aged children at primary and secondary school levels and access to protective learning environments for emergency and crisis-affected children by supporting the quality of teaching and learning processes for teachers and students in selected learning institutions.
  5. Improve access to gainful employment opportunities for 5000 vulnerable women and youth through good quality market – driven vocational skills education in Somalia
  6. To contribute to stability and co-existence among communities by supporting constructive engagement meetings with FGS and FMS institutions to improve peace and the rule of law.
  7. To promote management of acute malnutrition; both severe and moderate malnutrition among crisis affected households through strengthening the health care services, emergency preparedness and response.
  8. To ensure equitable access to protection services in the most dignified manner for newly displaced people and improve the living conditions of protracted IDPs through provision NFIs and transitional shelters


Organizational Objective

To contribute towards increasing availability, access to and utilization of cost effective quality and gender sensitive Nutrition, WASH and health services particularly for women, children and other vulnerable groups in Hirshabelle state and beyond.

  • To contribute towards improving availability, accessibility and utilization of equitable quality basic education services to communities in south central Somalia.

Food security and livelihood

SOMAID organization works in rebuilding the livelihood of the local community who are recurrent seasons being affected by droughts, conflicts and floods especially in southern Somalia and especially in Hirshabelle state.

We empower the low class and poor community members to have better livelihood access and build on the existing local capacity to enable poor households to become sustainable and improve their living conditions.


SOMAID organization aims to eliminate violence against women and children including trafficking, domestic abuse, sexual assault and sexual exploitations. Provision of alternative life skills for IDPs and women headed households through vocational skills training

To raise awareness of women and children dedicated members of the society through gender sensitive community- based development programs of protection and advocacy of child rights in Somalia. Community sensitization on reduction of harmful FGM practices.

Emergency response and Resilience.

SOMALI AID organization aims at building resilience at grassroots level so that the community can have locally driven resilience to adopt with recurrent shocks and stressors when droughts and floods strikes. SOMAID main areas of focus is food and nutrition, enterprise and business development, community capacity development on resilience, infrastructure support for economic improvement like irrigation canal and strategic water points rehabilitation  


SOMAID organization provides initiative opportunities to the children aged 4-15 years and rehabilitates schools and basic primary education for children aged 6-16 years with particular attention given to the participation of girls and vulnerable kids

Greening of education and communities is an our top priority in 2024 towards our vision of transforming communities and learning institutions,


SOMAID organization believes and works in the provision of clean drinking water which is a basic human right and most elements in SOMAID organization WASH program. We rehabilitate and construct strategic water sources. Construction of sanitation amenities and effective hygiene promotion at household level and community. Capacity building for the local community stakeholders through maintaining on water environment and sanitation committees.  


SOMAID organization provides basic primary health care including productive community and communicable health services with health education sessions. Community level sensitization and social mobilization.

Peace building and conflict reconciliation

Peace is vital and is one aspect of life that all living require the most. After over decades of proxy wars, Somalia people are thirsty for peace and stability. In consideration of community needs to have some genuine reconciliation and systematic approach to avoid creating new conflict, SOMAID organization  streamlines peace building and reconciliation an all programmatic interventions.

Governance of the organization:

Board of Directors

Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the organization whose duties and responsibilities include policy formation, fundraising, lobbying and advocacy, financial oversight, representation of constituency, decision making process and election of the chairperson and executive committee of the organization and meets every three months.

Boards of directors consisting of seven persons govern the organization that consists mostly of its founders, board and ordinary members believe and fulfill their responsibilities on voluntary basis. The smooth running of the organization activities, the organization bylaws guide the board and its members

The bylaws clarify the role and responsibilities of each member of the organization. The bylaws developed and approved by the NGO board of directors and members. Somali AID organization has its own policies and procedures governing all the areas of the organizational development. 


  • Collaboration: We are better together. We encourage strategic collaboration with our partners to bring out the best solutions and strengthen the fabric of our communities.
  • Commitment: Those we serve come first in everything we do. We champion their realization of their full potential to lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to society.
  • Results orientation: We are driven by the changes and impacts we exist to create. We are committed to providing timely and high-quality solutions and services. We closely collaborate the efforts of each person/ actor in delivering our services.
  • Open communication: We believe in granting access to information. We value and use the best approaches competently to communicate amongst ourselves and with others. We support all stakeholders to understand and express themselves concerning their well-being.
  • Competence: We are committed to acquiring, developing, and retaining the highest possible quality personnel as a basis of assuring the best organizational performance standards.
  • Creativity and innovation: We are committed to ensuring a work environment that encourages creativity and embracing of new ideas and technologies to make our work more effective.